Linux Consulting


We use Linux for many of our internal systems.  As such, we're quite familiar with basing an entire business on running Linux and have developed a strong familiarity with a lot of the software which runs on Linux.



Considering most of the folks who work here use Linux both at work and at home, we have a lot of experience with different distros.  We service the following distros:



We regularly host the weekly meetings of the Grand Rapids Linux Users Group.  If you're curious as to who we are or what we do, feel free to stop by - the meetings are open to the public and are free.  Join the mailing list to receive schedule updates, but we typically meet from 5:00pm-7:00pm every Friday.  Often times, since it is at our office, you can get a sneak peak at some of the projects we're working on (such as our 55" touchscreen GIS machine project) and ask us about the hardware we use.

We also regularly present at BarCampGR on topics ranging from Linux distros to 3D printing of server room parts to optimizing Linux to assembly language.  Make sure to stop by sometime.

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